Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Movie The Batman; movie review 2022


Cert 15
176 mins
BBFC advice: Contains strong threat, violence

"Go and see The Batman!" proclaimed our future son-in-law.
"In my opinion it's the best one that's ever been made and I must say Robert Pattinson might be my new favourite Batman.
"Honestly, I am buzzed after watching it and a film hasn't had that impact in a long time."
The Batman has taken more money at the UK box office than any other releases in 2022 so far and has been met with plenty of similar acclaim.
I'm afraid neither Mrs W nor I concur.
In our opinion, we have now moved a thousand miles from when Batman began on screen to a point where he barely speaks.
Meanwhile, the movie is literally so dark, it is very difficult to see what is going on.
But, worst of all, the movie is stretched to a bum-numbing three hours. 
Sure, I thought Pattinson was a mark up from Ben Affleck but that wouldn't be difficult and well ahead of Val Kilmer and George Clooney.
But I found the plot so uninteresting that I have to admit I succumbed to micro sleeps two or three times.
During, Matt Reeves' movie, Pattinson plays a tormented vigilante before he becomes Gotham City's anointed saviour.
The Batman goes around beating up robbers and thugs and the only police officer who appears to appreciate him is the commissioner (Jeffrey Wright).
Others see him as a 'freak' and are outraged when he is brought in to help investigate the elaborate killing of Gotham's mayor.
This sparks a series of attacks on the elite and they are all accompanied by a riddle left for the caped crusader.
Meanwhile, Selina Kyle/Catwoman (Zoe Kravitz) has her own reasons for wanting to bump off those at the top.
The Batman is blessed with a heavyweight cast with John Turturro, Andy Serkis, Paul Dano and Peter Sarsgaard heading the support.
But the loudest shout-out should be for Colin Farrell who is completely unrecognisable as The Penguin.
Fans praise the more detective-style approach of The Batman, the lower key Bruce Wayne and that the film is set in his younger years.
Perhaps my heart is made of stone but none of the above grabbed me enough to give it high marks.
Sure, it is well-photographed and the chase and disaster scenes jump out but it just didn't have enough to elicit the same emotional pull as for Miss W's fella.

Reasons to watch: It's Batman, innit?
Reasons to avoid: Too dark on several levels.

Laughs: None
Jumps: None
Vomit: None
Nudity: None
Overall rating: 7/10

Did you know? 
The Batman is influenced by Batman: Ego - a 2000 graphic novel by Darwyn Cooke in which Bruce Wayne comes at odds with his vigilante alter ego, who literally becomes a separate entity within his broken mind. 

The final word. Robert Pattinson: "It's a massive privilege when you put the suit on for the first time, you can feel it. I remember walking across the parking lot and seeing a shadow with two little ears coming out the top, that was really strange.” The Gamer

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